Example script: Polling for a job status and creating a Docker package
Polls for a status of a data generation job every minute while the job is running or in the queue.
If the job fails or is canceled, an appropriate message is displayed.
If the job completes successfully, it creates a SQL dump and, if it does not already exist in the directory, a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile helps you to use Docker to distribute the destination database.
Note that the SQL dump is specific for PostgreSQL databases and uses pg_dump.
Text of the script
# Note that our API does not guarantee backward compatibility.# For the endpoints and parameters for your exact version, view the # Swagger API documentation that comes with your instance.# If you use Structural Cloud, the API documentation is at:# https://app.tonic.ai/apidocs/index.html# Tested 2021.04.12 with Tonic API v199import osimport pathlibimport collectionsimport subprocessimport sysimport time# Before you run the script, use pip, pipenv, or poetry to install the requests.import requests# Tonic ParametersTONIC_BASE_URL ="http://<<TONIC HOSTNAME>>/"TONIC_WORKSPACE_ID ="<<TONIC WORKSPACE ID>>"TONIC_APIKEY ="<<TONIC APIKEY>>"SOURCE_DB_PASSWORD ="<<DESTINATION DB PASSWORD>>"# Provide the Structural job identifier as a command line argument# (ex. "pip3 tonic_status_poll.py TONIC_JOB_ID")DatabaseInfo = collections.namedtuple("DatabaseInfo", ["server", "port", "username", "database"])classTonicSession:def__init__(self,base_url,apikey): self._base_url = base_url self._session = requests.Session() self._api_key = apikey self._session.headers.update({"Authorization": "Apikey {}".format(apikey)})# Poll for a status of a Structural jobdefget_status(self,job_id):print("Grabbing job status for job {jobid}...".format(jobid=job_id)) status_url ="{url}api/GenerateData/jobs/{job_id}".format( url=self._base_url, job_id=job_id )whileTrue: resp = self._session.get(status_url)if resp.ok: resp_json = resp.json() status = resp_json.get("status") message = resp_json.get("errorMessages")if status and status in ("Running","Queued"):print("Job {job_id} is {status}. Waiting 1 minute before ""checking again".format(job_id=job_id, status=status) ) time.sleep(60)print("Checking for job status again... ")else:if status and status in ("Failed","Canceled"):print("Job {job_id}{status} with the following ""message: {message}".format( job_id=job_id, status=status, message=message ) )if status and status =="Completed":print("Job {job_id} completed.".format(job_id=job_id)) self.packaging_for_docker(job_id)breakelse:return resp.raise_for_status()# Get destination database connection details from Structuraldefget_db_info(self,workspace_id):print("Grabbing destination database connection details...") db_info_url ="{url}api/DataSource?workspaceId={workspace_id}".format( url=self._base_url, workspace_id=workspace_id ) resp = self._session.get(db_info_url)if resp.ok: db_json = resp.json() destination_db =DatabaseInfo( server=db_json["destinationDatabase"]["server"], port=db_json["destinationDatabase"]["port"], username=db_json["destinationDatabase"]["username"], database=db_json["destinationDatabase"]["database"], )else:return resp.raise_for_status()return destination_db# Get a SQL dump and generate a Dockerfile for packaging with Docker# (https://www.tonic.ai/blog/using-docker-to-manage-your-test-database)# Need to specify the destination DB password at the topdefpackaging_for_docker(self,job_id): db_info = self.get_db_info(TONIC_WORKSPACE_ID) db_dumpfile="pg_dump_{jobid}.sql".format(jobid=job_id)withopen(db_dumpfile, "wb")as fobj: os.environ["PGPASSWORD"]= SOURCE_DB_PASSWORD os.environ["PGHOST"]="localhost" os.environ["PGPORT"]=str(db_info.port) os.environ["PGUSER"]= db_info.username os.environ["PGDATABASE"]= db_info.databaseprint("Dump started for {dbname}...".format(dbname=db_info.database)) pgdump_proc = subprocess.Popen("pg_dump", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True )for stdout_line initer(pgdump_proc.stdout.readline, ""): fobj.write(stdout_line.encode("utf-8")) pgdump_proc.stdout.close() directory = pathlib.Path(fobj.name).parent.absolute()if"Dockerfile"notin os.listdir(directory):withopen("Dockerfile", "w")as dfile_obj: dfile_obj.writelines( ["FROM postgres:13\n","COPY {db_dumpfile} /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/".format(db_dumpfile=db_dumpfile), ] ) dfile_obj.close()print("A SQL dump of the destination DB can be found here: {dir}/{db_dumpfile}".format( dir=directory,db_dumpfile=db_dumpfile ) )defmain(): tonic_job_id = sys.argv[1] session =TonicSession(TONIC_BASE_URL, TONIC_APIKEY) session.get_status(tonic_job_id)print("\nRun this script against another Structural job ID to poll for its status.")if__name__=="__main__":main()
Building a Docker image from the Dockerfile
To use the resulting Dockerfile to build a Docker image:
docker build -t <image_name:tag>
Running the Docker image
To run the image, expose the database on a local port, and, if needed, add a superuser password:
docker run -d -p <local_port>:5432 --name <container_name> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword <image_name:tag>