The Integer Key generator generates integer values that are between 0 and 2^32 - 1. The input values must be in the range 0 to 2^31 - 1.
Link object structure
The Integer Key generator does not support linking. It can be self-consistent, but not consistent with another column. You cannot configure differential privacy.
The metadata object is populated from the IntegerPkMetadata object, which includes:
The minimum value
The maximum value
The underlying data type for the source values (for MySQL and MongoDB)
{"schema":"string","table":"string","column":"string","dataType":"string"//MongoDB only"metadata": {"presetId":"string","generatorId":"IntegerPkGenerator","min": integer,"max": integer,"rangeOption":"enum","isConsistent": boolean,"encryptionProcessor":"x-on",//To use configured Structural data encryption"customValueProcessor":"string"//If custom value processor is applied }}
Example replacement
In the following example replacement for the Integer Key generator, the generator produces a value between 10 and 20. The original values are Int64. Consistency is enabled.