Required license: Professional or Enterprise
Required permission
Global permission: View organization users. This permission is only required for the Tonic Structural application. It is not needed when you use the Structural API.
Workspace permission: Share workspace access
Global permission: Manage user access to Tonic and to any workspace
Tonic Structural uses workspace permission sets for role-based access (RBAC) of each workspace.
A workspace permission set is a set of workspace permissions. Each permission provides access to a specific workspace feature or function.
Structural provides built-in workspace permission sets. Enterprise instances can also configure custom permission sets.
To share workspace access, you assign workspace permission sets to users and, if you use SSO to manage Structural users, to SSO groups. Before you assign a workspace permission set to an SSO group, make sure that you are aware of who is in the group. The permissions that are granted to an SSO group automatically are granted to all of the users in the group. For information on how to configure Structural to filter the allowed SSO groups, go to Synchronizing SSO groups with Structural.
You cannot remove the owner workspace permission set from the workspace owner. By default, the owner permission set is the built-in Manager permission set.
To change the current access to the workspace:
To manage access to a single workspace, either:
On the workspace management view, in the heading, click the share icon.
On Workspaces view, click the actions menu for the workspace, then select Share.
To manage access for multiple workspaces:
Check the checkbox for each workspace to grant access to.
From the Actions menu, select Share Workspaces.
The workspace access panel contains the current list of users and groups that have access to the workspace. To add a user or group to the list of users and groups, begin to type the user email address or group name. From the list of matching users or groups, select the user or group to add. Free trial users can invite other users to start their own free trial. Provide the email addresses of the users to invite. The email addresses must have the same corporate email domain as your email address. When the invited users sign up for the free trial, they are added to the Structural organization for the free trial user that invited them and have access to the workspace.
For a user or group, to change the assigned workspace permission sets:
Click Access. The dropdown list is populated with the list of custom and built-in workspace permission sets. If you selected multiple workspaces, then on the initial display of the workspace sharing panel, for each permission set that a user or group currently has access to, the list shows the number of workspaces for which the user or group has that permission set. For example, you select three workspaces. A user currently has Editor access for one workspace and Viewer access for the other two. The Editor permission set has 1 next to it, and the Viewer permission set has 2 next to it.
Under Custom Permission Sets, check the checkbox next to each workspace permission set to assign to the user or group. Uncheck the checkbox next to each workspace permission set to remove from the user or group.
Under Built-In Permission Sets, check the workspace permission set to assign to the user or group. You can only assign one built-in permission set. By default, for an added user or group, the Editor permission set is selected. To select a built-in workspace permission set that is lower in access than the currently selected permission set, you must first uncheck the selected permission set. For example, if Editor is currently checked, then to change the selection to Viewer, you must first uncheck Editor.
To remove all access for a user or group, and remove the user or group from the list, click Access, then click Revoke.
To save the new access, click Save.
Required permission
Global permission: View organization users. This permission is only required for the Tonic Structural application. It is not needed when you use the Structural API.
Workspace permission: Transfer workspace ownership
Global permission: Manage access to Tonic Structural and to any workspace
To grant yourself access after the transfer:
Workspace permission: Share workspace access
Every workspace has an owner. The owner is always a user.
The user who creates the workspace is automatically the owner of the workspace.
By default, the workspace owner is assigned the built-in Manager workspace permission set. On Enterprise instances, you can choose a different workspace permission set to assign to all workspace owners.
You cannot remove that permission set from the workspace owner.
You can transfer a workspace to a different owner. The new owner is assigned the owner permission set. If the previous owner does not otherwise have access to the owner permission set, then that permission set is removed.
To transfer workspace ownership:
To transfer ownership of a single workspace, from the workspace actions menu, select Transfer Ownership.
To transfer ownership of multiple workspaces:
Check the checkbox for each workspace to grant access to.
From the Actions menu, select Transfer Ownership.
On the transfer ownership panel, from the User dropdown list, select the new owner.
If you are the current owner of the workspace, then to grant yourself non-owner access after you transfer the ownership:
Toggle Receive access to workspace to the on position.
Select the workspace permission set to assign to yourself.
Click Transfer Ownership.
When you create a workspace, you become the owner of the workspace, and by default are assigned the built-in Manager workspace permission set for the workspace. The Manager permission set provides full access to the workspace configuration, data, and results.
With a Professional or Enterprise license, you can also assign workspace permission sets to other users and to SSO groups. You can also transfer a workspace to a different owner.
If you are granted access to any workspace permission set for a workspace, then you can see all of the workspace management views for that workspace. However, you can only perform tasks that you have permission for in that workspace.
Workspace access is managed from the Workspaces view. You cannot assign workspace permission sets from Structural Settings view.
You can also view an overview video tutorial about workspace access.
Share workspace access
Grant access to other users. The assigned workspace permission sets determine the level of access.
Transfer ownership of a workspace
Make another user the workspace owner. You can also assign yourself workspace permission sets.