Database View provides a complete view of your source database structure and configuration.
To display Database View, either:
On the workspace management view, in the workspace navigation bar, click Database View.
On Workspaces view, from the dropdown menu in the Name column, select Database View.
Database View consists of:
On the left, the list of tables in the source database.
On the right, the list of columns in those tables.
View and configure tables
Filter the table list, and assign table modes to tables.
View the column list
Apply filters to and sort the list of columns.
View sample data
View example source and destination data for a column.
Configure an individual column
Assign a generator and determine the column sensitivity.
Configure multiple columns
Use the bulk edit option to configure multiple columns.
Identify similar columns
Identify and filter to columns that are similar to a column, based on the column name.
Comment on columns
Add and respond to column comments.
The table list at the left of Database View contains the list of tables in the source database. You can filter the table list and assign tables modes to the tables.
The table list is grouped by schema. You can expand and collapse the list of tables in each schema. This does not affect the displayed columns.
For a file connector workspace, each table corresponds to a file group.
For each table, the table list includes the following information:
The name of the table.
The number of columns that have an assigned generator (a generator other than Passthrough). The number does not display if none of the table columns has an assigned generator.
The assigned table mode. The table list only shows the first letter of the table mode:
D = De-identify
S = Scale
T = Truncate
P = Preserve Destination
I = Incremental
For a child workspace, if the selected table mode overrides the parent workspace configuration, then the override icon displays.
To display Table View for a table, click the arrow icon to the right of the table entry.
You can filter the table list by name and by the assigned table mode. You can also filter the tables based on whether any of the columns have assigned generators.
As you filter the table list, the column list also is filtered to only include the columns for the filtered tables.
To filter the table list by name, in the filter field, begin to type text that is in the table name.
As you type, Tonic Structural filters the list to only display tables with names that contain the filter text.
To filter the table list based on the assigned table mode:
Click Filters.
On the filter panel, check the checkbox next to each table mode to include. By default, the list includes all of the table modes. As you check and uncheck the table mode checkboxes, Structural adds and removes the associated tables from the list.
You can filter the table list to only display tables that have no assigned generators:
Click Filters.
On the filter panel, to only show tables that do not have assigned generators, check the No Generators Applied checkbox.
Required workspace permission: Assign table modes
The table mode determines the number of rows and columns in the destination database. For details about the available table modes and how they work, go to Table modes.
To change the assigned table mode for a single table:
Click the table mode dropdown next to the table name.
From the table mode dropdown list, select the table mode.
For a child workspace, the table mode selection panel indicates whether the selected table mode is inherited from the parent workspace. If the child workspace currently overrides the parent workspace configuration, then to reset the table mode to the table mode that is assigned in the parent workspace, click Reset.
To change the assigned table mode for multiple tables:
Check the checkbox for each table to change the table mode for. To select a continuous range of tables, click the first table in the range, then Shift-click the last table in the range. To select all of the tables in a schema, click the schema name.
Click Bulk Edit.
On the panel, click the radio button for the table mode to assign to the selected tables.
The column list on Database View contains information about the sensitivity and generator configuration for each column.
The Column column provides general information about the columns and their content, including:
Table and column name. When you click the column name, Table View for the column table displays.
The name of the schema that contains the table.
The data type for the column.
An indicator when the column is a primary key
The Column column also contains the option to display sample data for the column.
The Status column provides information about whether the column contains sensitive data and whether it has an assigned generator.
The protection status can be one of the following values:
Protected - The column has an assigned generator.
Not Sensitive - The column is marked as not sensitive.
At Risk - The column is sensitive and does not have an assigned generator.
At the right of the Status column is a confidence indicator. For At Risk columns, the confidence indicator shows how confident Structural is that the column is sensitive and contains values of the displayed sensitivity type. Protected columns also reflect the original confidence level.
For more information about how Structural identifies values and assigns the confidence level, go to #sensitive-data-how-identified.
From the Status column, you can change whether a column is sensitive.
The Applied Generator column is where you select and configure the generator to assign.
The generator dropdown indicates the currently assigned generator. It also indicates when an unprotected column has a recommended generator.
For foreign key columns, the generator dropdown is disabled and the column is marked as a foreign key. Foreign key columns always inherit the generator that is assigned to the primary key.
In a child workspace, when the generator configuration overrides the parent workspace, the generator dropdown displays the override icon.
The Applied Generator column also contains the option to display and create column comments.
To filter the column list, you can:
Use the table list to filter the displayed columns based on the table that the columns belong to.
Use the filter field to filter the columns by table or column name.
Use the Filters panel to filter the columns based on column attributes and generator configuration.
You can use column filters to quickly find columns that you want to verify or to update the configuration for.
To filter the column list to only include columns for specific tables, either:
Check the checkbox for each table to display columns for.
To filter the column list by table or column name, in the filter field, begin to type text that is in the table or column name.
As you type, Structural filters the column list.
The Filters panel provides access to column filters other than the table and column name.
To display the Filters panel, click Filters.
To search for a filter or a filter value, in the search field, start to type the value. The search looks for text in the individual settings.
For each filter, the Filters panel indicates the number of matching columns, based on the selected tables and the current filters.
To add a filter, depending on the filter type, either check the checkbox or select a filter option. As you add filters, Structural applies them to the column list. Above the list, Structural displays tags for the selected filters.
To clear all of the currently selected filters, click Clear All.
To only display detected sensitive columns for which there is a recommended generator, on the Filters panel, check Has Generator Recommendation.
An at-risk column:
Is marked as sensitive.
Is included in the destination data.
Is assigned the Passthrough generator.
To only display at-risk columns, on the Filters panel, check At-Risk Column.
When you check At-Risk Column, Structural adds the following filters under Privacy Settings:
Sets the sensitivity filter to Sensitive
Sets the protection status filter to Not protected
Sets the column inclusion filter to Included
You can filter the columns based on the column sensitivity.
On the Filters panel, under Privacy Settings, the sensitivity filter is by default set to All, which indicates to display both sensitive and non-sensitive columns.
To only display sensitive columns, click Sensitive.
To only display non-sensitive columns, click Not sensitive.
Note that when you check At-risk Column, Structural automatically selects Sensitive.
You can filter the columns based on whether they have any generator other than Passthrough assigned. To filter the columns based on specific assigned generators, use the Applied Generator filter.
On the Filters panel, under Privacy Settings, the column protection filter is by default set to All, which indicates to display both protected and not protected columns.
To only display columns that have an assigned generator, click Protected.
To only display columns that do not have an assigned generator, click Not protected.
Note that when you check At-Risk Column, Structural automatically selects Not protected.
You can filter the columns based on whether they are populated in the destination database. For example, if a table is truncated, then the columns in that table are not populated.
On the Filters panel, under Privacy Settings, the column inclusion filter is by default set to All, which indicates to display both included and not included columns.
To only display columns that are populated in the destination database, click Included.
To only display columns that are not populated in the destination database, click Not included.
Note that when you check At-Risk Column, Structural automatically selects Included.
To only display columns that are assigned specific generators, on the Filters panel, under Applied Generator, check the checkbox for each generator to include.
The list of generators only includes generators that are assigned to the currently displayed columns and that are compatible with other applied filters.
To search for a specific generator, in the Filters search field, begin to type the generator name.
You can filter the columns by the column data type. For example, you can only display varchar
columns, or only columns that contain either numeric or integer values.
To only display columns that have specific data types, on the Filters panel, under Database Data Types, check the checkbox for each data type to include.
The list of data types only includes data types that are present in the currently displayed columns and that are compatible with other applied filters.
To search for a specific data type, in the Filters search field, begin to type the data type.
When the source database schema changes, you might need to update the configuration to reflect those changes. If you do not resolve the schema changes, then the data generation might fail. The data generation fails if there are unresolved conflicting changes, or if you configure Structural to always fail data generation when there are any unresolved changes.
For more information about schema changes, go to Viewing and resolving schema changes.
To only display columns that have unresolved schema changes, on the Filters panel, check Unresolved Schema Changes.
For detected sensitive columns, the sensitivity type indicates the type of data that was detected. Examples of sensitivity types include First Name, Address, and Email.
To only display columns that contain specific sensitivity types, on the Filters panel, under Sensitivity Type, check the checkbox for each sensitivity type to include.
The list of sensitivity types only includes sensitivity types that are present in the currently displayed columns.
To search for a specific sensitivity type, in the Filters search field, type the sensitivity type.
When the Structural sensitivity scan identifies a value as belonging to a sensitivity type, it also determines how confident it is in that determination. The Status column displays the confidence level.
You can filter the columns based on the confidence level.
To only display columns that have a specific confidence level, on the Filters panel, under Sensitivity confidence, check the checkbox next to each confidence level to include.
You can filter the column list based on whether the column is nullable.
On the Filters panel, under Data Attributes, the nullability filter is by default set to All, which indicates to display both nullable and non-nullable columns.
To only display columns that are nullable, click Nullable.
To only display columns that are not nullable, click Non-nullable.
You can filter the column list based on whether the column must be unique.
On the Filters panel, under Data Attributes, the uniqueness filter is by default set to All, which indicates to display both unique and not unique columns.
To only display columns that must be unique, click Unique.
To only display columns that do not require uniqueness, click Not unique.
You can filter the column list to indicate whether to include:
Columns that are not primary or foreign keys.
Columns that are foreign keys.
Columns that are primary keys.
On the Filters panel, under Column Type:
To display columns that are neither a primary key nor a foreign key, check Non-keyed.
To display columns that are primary keys, check Primary key.
To display columns that are foreign keys, check Foreign key.
In a child workspace, to only display columns that override the generator configuration that is in the parent workspace, on the Filters panel, check Overrides Inheritance.
You can enable Structural data encryption, a configuration that allows Structural to:
Decrypt source data before applying the generator.
Encrypt generated data before writing it to the destination database.
For more information, go to Configuring and using Structural data encryption.
When Structural data encryption is enabled, the generator configuration panel includes an option to use Structural data encryption.
To only display columns that are configured to use Structural data encryption, on the Filters panel, check Uses Data Encryption.
By default, the column list is sorted first by table name, then by column name. The columns for each table display together. Within each table, the columns are in alphabetical order.
You can also sort the column list by column name first, then by table. Columns that have the same name display together. Those columns are sorted by the name of the table.
The button at the right of the Column column heading indicates the current sort order.
T.C indicates that the table is sorted by table, then by column
C.T indicates that the table is sorted by column, then by table
To switch the sort order, click the button.
Required workspace permission:
Source data: Preview source data
Destination data: Preview destination data
For each column on Database View, you can display a sample list of the column values.
For columns that have an assigned generator, the sample shows both the current values and the possible values after the generator is applied.
To display the sample values, in the Column column, click the magnifying glass icon.
If the generator is Passthrough, then the sample data panel contains only Original Data.
If a different generator is assigned, then the sample data panel contains both Original Data and Protected Output.
During sensitivity scans and schema change scans, Tonic Structural identifies groups of similar columns.
To identify similar columns, Structural uses a text embedding model to calculate the semantic similarity between any two column names in the database. When a column name's semantic similarity to the name of a given column is above a specified threshold, then the column is similar to the given column.
If a column has similar columns, then the Applied Generator column contains an icon that includes the count of similar columns.
By default, the similar columns icon is hidden. To display the similar columns icon, hover over the column row.
When you assign a generator to a column, the similar columns icon for that column remains visible during your current session.
When you click the similar columns icon, Structural displays a panel with an option to filter the list to display the current column and its similar columns. To apply the filter, click Filter.
The similar columns filter is applied, and other column filters are removed. Table filters remain in place.
For an individual column in Database View, you can configure the assigned generator and determine the column sensitivity.
From the column list, to display the generator configuration panel, in the Applied Generator column, click the generator name tag.
Required workspace permission: Configure column sensitivity
The Structural sensitivity scan provides an initial indication of whether a column is sensitive and, if it is sensitive:
The type of sensitive data that is in the column.
The confidence level of the sensitivity detection.
In a child workspace, you cannot configure whether a column is sensitive. A child workspace always inherits the sensitivity designations from its parent workspace.
From the Status column, to confirm or change the column sensitivity, click the Status value.
The status panel indicates whether the column is sensitive. It identifies the sensitivity type, and indicates how the sensitivity was determined - by a sensitivity scan or by a user.
For a column that matches a built-in sensitivity type, the first time that you display the panel, the Sensitive data? setting displays Yes and No options for you to confirm or change the sensitivity.
To indicate that the column is sensitive, click Yes.
To indicate that the column is not sensitive, click No.
When you click Yes or No, the Yes and No options change to a simple toggle. When you click Yes, the sensitivity confidence level changes to full.
After that:
To indicate that the column is sensitive, toggle Sensitive data? to the on position.
To indicate that the column is not sensitive, toggle Sensitive data? to the off position.
When a column matches a sensitivity rule, the sensitivity panel indicates that the column matched a sensitivity rule.
You use the Sensitive data? toggle to indicate whether the column is actually sensitive.
When a column does not match a built-in sensitivity type or a custom sensitivity rule, the sensitivity panel indicates that column is not sensitive.
The Sensitive data? setting displays Yes and No options for you to confirm or change the sensitivity.
To indicate that the column is sensitive, click Yes.
To confirm that the column is not sensitive, click No.
When you click Yes or No, the Yes and No options change to a simple toggle.
If you click Yes:
The panel updates to indicate that a user confirmed that the column is sensitive.
The sensitivity confidence level is set to full confidence.
After that:
To indicate that the column is sensitive, toggle Sensitive data? to the on position.
To indicate that the column is not sensitive, toggle Sensitive data? to the off position.
You can also configure the sensitivity from the generator configuration panel. On the generator configuration panel, the sensitivity setting is at the top right.
To indicate that a column is sensitive, toggle the sensitivity setting to the on position.
To indicate that the column is not sensitive, toggle the sensitivity setting to the off position.
When you change the sensitivity from the generator configuration panel, the Sensitive data? setting on the sensitivity panel also changes from the Yes and No options to the toggle.
Required workspace permission: Configure column generators
When a sensitivity scan identifies a column, Structural recommends a generator for the column. For example, when the sensitivity scan identifies a column as a first name, Structural recommends the Name generator configured to generate a first name value.
In the Assigned Generator column on Database View, columns that do not have an assigned generator, and that have a recommended generator, display the available recommendation icon.
To review and either apply or ignore the recommended generator, click the generator dropdown.
The generator recommendation panel contains the following information:
The sensitivity confidence level.
The recommended generator.
Sample source and destination values based on the recommended generator.
From the panel, you choose whether to assign or ignore the recommended generator for that type.
To assign the recommended generator, click Apply. Structural displays the generator configuration panel with the recommended generator selected. You can then adjust the configuration or select a different generator.
To ignore the recommendation, click Ignore. Structural displays the generator configuration panel to allow you to select the generator to assign to the column.
Required workspace permission: Configure column generators
To change the generator that is assigned to a selected column:
Click the generator name tag for the column.
To assign a different generator to the column, from the Generator Type dropdown list, select the generator.
Configure the generator options.
To reset an assigned generator to Passthrough, which indicates to not transform the data:
Click the generator name tag.
On the generator configuration panel, click the delete icon next to the generator dropdown.
The bulk edit option on Database View allows you to configure multiple columns at the same time. From the bulk editing panel, you can:
Mark the selected columns as sensitive or not sensitive.
Assign a generator to the selected columns.
Apply the recommended generator to the selected columns.
Reset the generator configuration to the baseline. This option requires that all of the selected columns are assigned the same preset.
Depending on the column selection, you can also create a new sensitivity rule.
To select the columns and display the bulk edit option:
Check the checkbox next to each column to update.
Click Bulk Edit.
Required workspace permission: Configure column sensitivity
On the Bulk Edit panel, under Sensitivity:
To mark the selected columns as sensitive, click Sensitive.
To mark the selected columns as not sensitive, click Not Sensitive.
Required workspace permission: Configure column generators
On the Bulk Edit panel, under Bulk Edit Applied Generator, select and configure the generator to assign to the selected columns.
Required workspace permission: Configure column generators
If any of the selected columns have a recommended generator, then on the Bulk Edit panel, the Generator recommendations found panel displays. The panel indicates the number of selected columns that have a recommendation.
To assign the recommended generators to those columns, click Apply.
Required workspace permission: Configure column generators
For a generator preset, the baseline configuration is the configuration that is saved for that preset. The baseline configuration determines the default configuration to use when you assign the preset to a column. After you select the preset, you can override the baseline configuration.
If all of the selected columns are assigned the same preset, then to restore the baseline configuration for all of the columns, click Reset to Baseline.
Required license: Enterprise
Required global permission: Create and manage sensitivity rules
You might bulk edit columns that could benefit from a custom sensitivity rule.
For example, in your data, the Widget column is in multiple tables and contains sensitive data that Structural cannot identify. You select all of the Widget columns so that you can mark them as sensitive and apply the Character Scramble generator to them.
However, a custom sensitivity rule would ensure that in the future, Widget columns are always marked as sensitive and have the Character Scramble generator recommended.
On the Bulk Edit panel, when all of the selected columns:
Have the same data type.
Do not have a generator assigned.
Do not have a recommended generator.
Then Structural displays the Create a Sensitivity Rule panel, which contains the option to create a new sensitivity rule.
To create a sensitivity rule:
Click Create Custom Rule.
When you finish configuring the new rule:
To both save the rule and apply the generator preset to all workspace columns that match the rule, click Save and Apply. On the confirmation panel, click Confirm Auto Apply.
To save the rule, but not apply the configured generator preset to matching columns, click Save.
Structural closes the sensitivity rule configuration view and returns you to Database View. It maintains the previous column selection.
If you did not apply the generator preset, then the sensitivity rule is included in the next sensitivity scan.
For more information, go to .
For details about the configuration options for each generator, go to the .
For more information about selecting and configuring generators and generator presets, go to .
On the Create Custom Rule view, configure the new sensitivity rule. Structural automatically selects a data type based on the selected columns. The current workspace is used as the testing workspace to verify the columns that match the rule configuration. For details about the sensitivity rule configuration, go to .
Required license: Professional or Enterprise
From Database View, you can add comments to columns. For example, you might use a comment to explain why you selected a particular generator or marked a column as sensitive or not sensitive.
If a column does not have any comments, then to add a comment:
In the Applied Generator column, click the comment icon.
In the comment field, type the comment text.
Click Comment.
When a column has existing comments, the comment icon is green. To add comments: