If your company has a self-hosted Tonic Structural instance that is installed on-premises, then you navigate to the Structural URL for that instance.
Your self-hosted instance might be configured to use single sign-on for Structural access. If so, then from the Structural login page, to create your Structural user account, click the single sign-on option.
Otherwise, to create your Structural user account, click Create Account.
Your administrator can provide the URL for your Structural instance and confirm the instructions for creating your user account.
When you create the account, the Structural application opens to the New Workspace view so that you can create your first workspace.
If your Structural license is on Structural Cloud, then new users that have a matching email domain are automatically added to your Structural Cloud organization.
For a Structural Cloud license other than a pay-as-you-go license, the license agreement specifies the included email domains. When a user with a matching email domain signs up for a Structural account, they are added to that Structural Cloud organization.
For more information about Structural Cloud organizations, go to Structural organizations.
For a pay-as-you-go Structural Cloud license, when a user with the same corporate email domain as the subscribed user signs up for a Structural account, they are added to that Structural Cloud organization.
To sign up for a Structural Cloud account:
Go to https://app.tonic.ai.
Click Create Account.
In the Email field, provide your email address.
In the Password field, enter the password to use for Structural.
In the Repeat Password field, enter the password again.
Click Create Account.
Structural Cloud opens to the New Workspace view so that you can create your first workspace.