Managing snapshots

Getting the list of snapshots

To get the current list of snapshots for your Tonic Ephemeral databases, use:

GET /api/database/volume-snapshots

The response contains the list of snapshots, with detailed information about each snapshot.

Creating a user snapshot

You can create a user snapshot to preserve a milestone that you might want to use later or be able to return to.

To create a user snapshot of a database, use:

POST /api/database/{databaseId}/volume-snapshots

The request includes the snapshot name and description.

Updating a user snapshot

You can change the name and description of a user snapshot.

To update a user snapshot, use:

PUT /api/database/volume-snapshots/{volumeSnapshotId}

The request includes the updated name and description.

Deleting snapshots

To delete a snapshot, use:

DELETE /api/database/volume-snapshots/{volumeSnapshotId}

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