Monitoring your disk storage
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To display the disk storage summary, on the Usage Metrics page, click Disk Storage Settings.
The Disk Storage Settings panel displays the current amount of storage usage that your databases are using.
The panel includes:
The total data storage currently in use. If there is a disk storage alert threshold, then the storage is also displayed relative to the threshold value.
A color-coded visualization to indicate the proportion of data storage used by databases, auto snapshots, and user snapshots.
By default, Ephemeral has a disk storage alert threshold of 100 gigabytes. You can change the alert threshold, or disable the threshold.
If the threshold is enabled, then when the databases and snapshots use more than the threshold, Ephemeral displays a warning.
To configure a disk storage alert threshold:
Toggle Enable storage threshold alert to the on position.
In the field, type the limit in gigabytes.
To disable the disk storage alert, toggle Enable storage threshold alert to the off position.