Creating a user snapshot from imported data

If you have existing data that you want to use in Tonic Ephemeral databases, you can import that data into a new Ephemeral user snapshot.

When you import data into an Ephemeral user snapshot, Ephemeral creates a temporary Ephemeral database. It provides the connection details for that database. You use those credentials to import the data into the temporary database.

When you finish importing the data, Ephemeral removes the temporary database and creates the user snapshot. You have up to 48 hours to finish the data import before the temporary database expires.

Selecting the import option

To create a user snapshot with imported data:

  1. On the Databases page, click Import Data.

  2. On the import options panel, click Import Data.

Configuring the user snapshot

On the Import data panel:

  1. In the Snapshot Name field, provide the name of the new snapshot.

  2. Optionally, in the Description field, provide a longer description of the snapshot.

  3. Under Select database type, select the type of database for the snapshot.

  4. From the Image dropdown list, select the image to use. Select the image that corresponds to the database version.

  5. In the Disk space allocation field, provide the size in GB to allocate for the data.

  6. Click Next.

Importing data into the temporary database

Ephemeral uses the snapshot configuration details to create a temporary Ephemeral database.

The Import Data panel displays the connection details for the temporary database. The connection details include both the database credentials and information on how to create an SSH tunnel to the database.

You use the connection details to connect to the temporary database so that you can import data into it from your external system.

Completing the data import

From the Import Data panel, when you finish importing data into the temporary database, click Create Snapshot.

Ephemeral uses the imported data to create the user snapshot. It deletes the temporary database.

Delaying the data import until later

You do not need to immediately import data into the database. To do the data import later, on the Import Data panel, click Import data later.

On the Databases page, the temporary database has the name Import (<Snapshot name>) and a status Pending data import.

The database remains active for 48 hours.

To display the connection details so that you can complete the data import, click the Import option for the database.

Ephemeral displays the Import Data panel with the connection details for the temporary database. When you are finished importing data, click Create Snapshot.

Canceling the data import

From the Databases page, to completely cancel the data import, click the close icon for the temporary database.

On the confirmation panel, click Confirm.

Last updated

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