Enabling and disabling custom models

To use the custom models feature, you must have an OpenAI key.

A model represents specific types of sensitive data for Tonic Textual to detect and redact.

Textual always uses its built-in set of models. You can create custom models to represent sensitive data types that are specific to your use case. For example, for health care data, you might need to redact disease names.

Within a dataset, you can enable and disable the available custom models. By default, no custom models are enabled. When you enable a custom model, Textual identifies and redacts values for that model.

To enable and disable custom models for a dataset:

  1. On the dataset management view, in the panel at the top left, click Custom Models.

  1. The custom models panel lists the available custom models.

  1. On the custom models panel, to enable a custom model, switch the toggle to the on position. To disable a custom model, switch the toggle to the off position.

  2. Click Save.

Last updated