Structure of the pipeline output file JSON

When Textual processes pipeline files, it produces JSON output that provides access to the Markdown content and that identifies entities that were detected in the file.

Common elements in the JSON output

Information about the entire file

All JSON output files contain the following elements that contain information for the entire file:

  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown file content>",
    "hash": "<hashed file content>",
    "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>,
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>


The type of the original file.


Details about the file content. It includes:

  • Hashed and Markdown content for the file

  • Entities in the file


An integer that identifies the version of the JSON schema that was used for the JSON output.

Textual uses this to convert content from older schemas to the most recent schema.

For specific file types, the JSON output includes additional objects and properties to reflect the file structure.

Hashed and Markdown content

The JSON output contains hashed and Markdown content for the entire file and for individual file components.


The hashed version of the file or component content.


The file or component content in Markdown notation.


The JSON output contains entities arrays for the entire file and for individual file components.

Each entity in the entities array has the following properties:


Within the file or component, the location where the entity value starts.

For example, in the following text:

My name is John.

John is an entity that starts at 11.


Within the file or component, the location where the entity value ends.

For example, in the following text:

My name is John.

John is an entity that ends at 14.


The type of entity.

For a list of the entity types that Textual detects, go to Entity types that Textual detects.


The text of the entity.


The confidence score for the entity.

Indicates how confident Textual is that the value is an entity of the specified type.

Plain text files

For plain text files, the JSON output only contains the information for the entire file.

  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown content>",
    "hash": "<hashed content>",
    "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>,
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>

.csv files

For .csv files, the structure contains a tables array.

The tables array contains a table object that contains header and data arrays..

For each row in the file, the data array contains a row array.

For each value in a row, the row array contains a value object.

The value object contains the entities, hashed content, and Markdown content for the value.

  "tables": [
      "tableName": "csv_table",
      "header": [//Columns that contain heading info (col_0, col_1, and so on)
        "<column identifier>"
      "data": [  //Entry for each row in the file
        [   //Entry for each value in the row
            "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the value
                "start": <start location>,,
                "end": <end location>,
                "label": "<value type>",
                "text": "<value text>",
                "score": <confidence score>
            "hash": "<hashed value content>",
            "text": "<Markdown value content>"
  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown file content>",
    "hash": "<hashed file content>",
    "entities": [   ///Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>

.xlsx files

For .xlsx files, the structure contains a tables array that provides details for each worksheet in the file.

For each worksheet, the tables array contains a worksheet object.

For each row in a worksheet, the worksheet object contains a header array and a data array. The data array contains a row array.

For each cell in a row, the row array contains a cell object.

Each cell object contains the entities, hashed content, and Markdown content for the cell.

  "tables": [   //Entry for each worksheet
      "tableName": "<Name of the worksheet>",
      "header": [ //Columns that contain heading info (col_0, col_1, and so on)
        "<column identifier>"
      "data": [   //Entry for each row
        [   //Entry for each cell in the row
            "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the cell
                "start": <start location>,
                "end": <end location>,
                "label": "<value type>",
                "text": "<value text>",
                "score": <confidence score>
            "hash": "<hashed cell content>",
            "text": "<Markdown cell content>"
  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown file content>",
    "hash": "<hashed file content>",
    "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>,
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>

.docx files

For .docx files, the JSON output structure adds:

  • A footnotes array for content in footnotes.

  • An endnotes array for content in endnotes.

  • A header object for content in the page headers. Includes separate objects for the first page header, even page header, and odd page header.

  • A footer object for content in the page footers. Includes separate objects for the first page footer, even page footer, and odd page footer.

These arrays and objects contain the entities, hashed content, and Markdown content for the notes, headers, and footers.

  "footNotes": [   //Entry for each footnote
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the footnote
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "pythonStart": <start location in Python>,
          "pythonEnd": <end location in Python>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>,
          "exampleRedaction": null
      "hash": "<hashed footnote content>",
      "text": "<Markdown footnote content>"
  "endNotes": [   //Entry for each endnote
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the endnote
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed endnote content>",
      "text": "<Markdown endnote content>"
  "header": {
    "first": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the first page header
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed first page header content>",
      "text": "<Markdown first page header content>"
    "even": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the even page header
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed even page header content>",
      "text": "<Markdown even page header content>"
    "odd": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the odd page header
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed odd page header content>",
      "text": "<Markdown odd page header content>"
  "footer": {
    "first": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the first page footer
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed first page footer content>",
      "text": "<Markdown first page footer content>"
    "even": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the even page footer
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed even page footer content>",
      "text": "<Markdown even page footer content>"
    "odd": {
      "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the odd page footer
          "start": <start location>,
          "end": <end location>,
          "label": "<value type>",
          "text": "<value text>",
          "score": <confidence score>
      "hash": "<hashed odd page footer content>",
      "text": "<Markdown odd page footer content>"
  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown file content>",
    "hash": "<hashed file content>",
    "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>,
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>

PDF and image files

PDF and image files use the same structure. Textual extracts and scans the text from the files.

For PDF and image files, the JSON output structure adds:

  • A pages array for all of the content on the pages. This includes content in tables and key-value pairs, which are also listed separately in the output. For each page in the file, the pages array contains a page array. For each component on the page - such as paragraphs, headings, headers, and footers - the page array contains a component object. Each component object contains the component entities, hashed content, and Markdown content.

  • A tables array for content that is in tables. For each table in the file, the tables array contains a table array. For each row in a table, the table array contains a row array. For each cell in a row, the row array contains a cell object. Each cell object identifies the type of cell (header or content). It also contains the entities, hashed content, and Markdown content for the cell.

  • A keyValuePairs array for key-value pair content. For example, for a PDF of a form with fields, a key-value pair might represent a field label and field value. For each key-value pair, the keyValuePairs array contains a key-value pair object. The key-value pair object contains:

    • An automatically incremented identifier. For example, id for the first key-value pair is 1, for the second key-value pair is 2, and so on.

    • The start and end position of the key-value pair

    • The text of the key

    • The entities, hashed content, and Markdown content for the value

  "pages": [   //Entry for each page in the file
    [   //Entry for each component on the page
        "type": "<page component type>",
        "content": {
          "entities": [   //Entry for each entity in the component
              "start": <start location>,
              "end": <end location>,
              "label": "<value type>",
              "text": "<value text>",
              "score": <confidence score>
          "hash": "<hashed component content>",
          "text": "<Markdown component content>"
  "tables": [   //Entry for each table in the file
    [   //Entry for each row in the table
      [   //Entry for each cell in the row
          "type": "<content type>",   //ColumnHeader or Content
          "content": {
            "entities": [  //Entry for each entity in the cell
                "start": <start location>,
                "end": <end location>,
                "label": "<value type>",
                "text": "<value text>",
                "score": <confidence score>
            "hash": "<hashed cell text>",
            "text": "<Markdown cell text>"
  "keyValuePairs": [   //Entry for each key-value pair in the file
      "id": <incremented identifier>,
      "key": "<key text>",
      "value": {
        "entities": [  //Entry for each entity in the value
            "start": <start location>,
            "end": <end location>,
            "label": "<value type>",
            "text": "<value text>",
            "score": <confidence score>
        "hash": "<hashed value text>",
        "text": "<Markdown value text>
      "start": <start location of the key-value pair>,
      "end": <end location of the key-value pair>
  "fileType": "<file type>",
  "content": {
    "text": "<Markdown file content>",
    "hash": "<hashed file content>",
    "entities": [   ///Entry for each entity in the file
        "start": <start location>,
        "end": <end location>,
        "label": "<value type>",
        "text": "<value text>",
        "score": <confidence score>
  "schemaVersion": <integer schema version>

Last updated