Selecting files for an uploaded file pipeline
Before you can upload files to a pipeline, you must configure the S3 bucket where Tonic Textual stores the files. For more information, go to Enabling uploads to file upload pipelines.
For an example IAM role that has the required permissions for file upload pipelines, go to Example IAM role for file upload pipelines.
Adding files to the pipeline
On the pipeline details page for an uploaded file pipeline, to add files to the pipeline:
Click Upload Files.
Search for and select the files to uploadd.
Removing files
To remove a file, on the pipeline details page, click the delete icon for the file.
Indicating whether to also redact the files
By default, Textual only generates the JSON output for the pipeline files.
To also generate versions of the original files that redact or synthesize the detected entity values, on the Pipeline Settings page, toggle Synthesize Files to the on position.
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