Viewing pipeline lists and details
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In Tonic Textual, a pipeline identifies a set of files that Textual processes into content that can be imported into an LLM system.
The Textual Home page displays both datasets and pipelines.
To display only the list of pipelines, in the Textual navigation menu, click Pipelines.
The Pipelines page displays the list of pipelines.
If there are no pipelines, then the Pipelines page displays a panel to allow you to create a pipeline.
To display the details for a pipeline, on the Textual Home page or Pipelines page, click the pipeline name.
Here is a pipeline details page for an Amazon S3 pipeline:
For an Amazon S3 pipeline, the details include:
The Run Pipeline option, which starts a new pipeline run. For more information, go to Starting a pipeline run.
The list of processed files. For more information, go to Viewing pipeline files and runs.
For pipelines that are configured to also redact files, the redaction configuration. For more information, go to Configuring file synthesis for a pipeline.
Here is a pipeline details page for a Databricks pipeline:
For a Databricks pipeline, the details include:
The Run Pipeline option, which starts a new pipeline run. For more information, go to Starting a pipeline run.
The list of processed files. For more information, go to Viewing pipeline files and runs.
For pipelines that are configured to also redact files, the redaction configuration. For more information, go to Configuring file synthesis for a pipeline.
Here is a pipeline details page for an Azure pipeline:
For an Azure pipeline, the details include:
The Run Pipeline option, which starts a new pipeline run. For more information, go to Starting a pipeline run.
The list of processed files. For more information, go to Viewing pipeline files and runs.
For pipelines that are configured to also redact files, the redaction configuration. For more information, go to Configuring file synthesis for a pipeline.
And here is a pipeline details page for an uploaded file pipeline:
The pipeline details include:
The Upload Files option, which you use to add files to the pipeline. For more information, go to Selecting files for an uploaded file pipeline.
The list of files in the pipeline. Includes both new and processed files. For more information, go to Viewing pipeline files and runs.
For pipelines that are configured to also redact files, the redaction configuration. For more information, go to Configuring file synthesis for a pipeline.
The settings option, which you use to change the configuration settings for the pipeline. For more information, go to .
The list of pipeline runs. For more information, go to .
The settings option, which you use to change the configuration settings for the pipeline. For more information, go to .
The list of pipeline runs. For more information, go to .
The settings option, which you use to change the configuration settings for the pipeline. For more information, go to .
The list of pipeline runs. For more information, go to .
The settings option, which you use to change the configuration settings for the pipeline. For more information, go to .