Create and manage datasets

Textual uses datasets to produce files with sensitive values replaced.

Before you perform these tasks, remember to instantiate the SDK client.

Create and add files to a dataset

To create a new dataset and then upload a file to it, use textual.create_dataset.

dataset = textual.create_dataset('<dataset name>')

To add a file to the dataset, use dataset.add_file. To identify the file, provide the file path and name.

dataset.add_file('<path to file>','<file name>') 

To provide the file as IO bytes, you provide the file name and the file bytes. You do not provide a path.

dataset.add_file('<file name>',<file bytes>) 

Textual creates the dataset, scans the uploaded file, and redacts the detected values.

Configure a dataset

To change the configuration of a dataset, use dataset.edit.

You can use dataset.edit to change:

dataset.edit(name='<dataset name>', 

Get the current status of dataset files

To get the current status of the files in the current dataset, use dataset.describe:


The response includes:

  • The name and identifier of the dataset

  • The number of files in the dataset

  • The number of files that are waiting to be processed (scanned and redacted)

  • The number of files that had errors during processing

For example:

    Dataset: example [879d4c5d-792a-c009-a9a0-60d69be20206]
    Number of Files: 1
    Files that are waiting for processing: 
    Files that encountered errors while processing: 
    Number of Rows: 0
    Number of rows fetched: 0

Get lists of files by status

To get a list of files that have a specific status, use the following:

The file list includes:

  • File identifier and name

  • Number of rows and columns

  • Processing status

  • For failed files, the error

  • When the file was uploaded

Delete a file from a dataset

To delete a file from a dataset, use dataset.delete_file.

dataset.delete_file('<file identifier>')

Get redacted content for a dataset

To get the redacted content in JSON format for a dataset, use dataset.fetch_all_json():

dataset = textual.get_dataset('<dataset name>')

For example:

dataset = textual.get_dataset('mydataset')

The response looks something like:

'[["PERSON Portrait by PERSON, DATE_TIME ...]'

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