Reviewing the sensitivity detection results
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When you first create a dataset, Tonic Textual displays a single list of all of the entity types that it can detect.
As you add and remove files, Textual updates the entity types list to indicate the detected and not detected entity types.
At the top of the dataset details view, the Sensitive words tile shows the total number of sensitive values in the dataset that Textual detected.
As Textual processes files, it identifies the entity types that are detected and not detected.
The entity type list starts with the detected entity types. For each detected entity type, Textual displays:
The number of detected values. Excluded values are not included in the count.
The selected handling type.
Whether there are configured added or excluded values.
Note that a given value might match multiple entity types. For example, a telephone number might be counted as both a telephone number and a numeric value.
For each detected entity type, to view a sample of up to 10 of the detected values , click the view icon next to the value count.
The entities list contains the full list of detected values for an entity type.
To display the entities list, from the value preview, click Open Entities Manager.
When you display the entities list, the entity type that you previewed the values for is selected by default.
To change the selected entity type, from the dropdown at the top left, select the entity type to change to.
In the entity types list on the dataset details page, a given value might match multiple entity types.
For example, on the dataset details page, a telephone number might be counted as both a telephone number and a numeric value.
A value that matches multiple entity types appears in the preview for each of those types.
However, on the entities list, a given value is only included in the list for one entity type. Textual determines the best match and lists the value under that entity type.
So to continue the example of the telephone number that is also identified as a numeric value, the value would only display in the list of values for the Phone Number entity type. The value list for the Numeric Value entity type would not include the telephone number.
The entities list groups the entities by the file and, if relevant, the page where they were detected.
For each value, the list includes:
The original value
The original value in the context of its surrounding text
The redacted or synthesized value in the context of its surrounding text, based on the selected handling option
Below the list of detected entity types is the Entity types not found list, which contains the list of entity types that Textual did not detect in the files.
You can filter the entity types list by text in the type name or description. The filter applies to both the detected and undetected entity types.
To filter the types, in the filter field, begin to type text that is in the entity type name or description.