Reviewing the sensitivity detection results

As you add and remove files, Tonic Textual updates the sensitivity detection results. To identify the sensitive values, it uses the built-in Textual models, as well as any enabled custom models.

Viewing the number of detected values

At the top of the dataset details view, the Sensitive words tile shows the total number of sensitive values in the dataset that Textual detected.

Viewing the detected data types

The dataset details view also displays a list of sensitive data types that Tonic Textual detected in the dataset data.

For each type, Textual displays:

  • The number of excluded terms. An excluded term is a term that you do not want Textual to identify as that data type.

  • The number of detected instances. The number excludes the blocked instances.

Viewing the detected values for a data type

To view up to 10 of the detected values for a data type, click the view icon next to the value count.

Last updated