Deploying with Docker Compose


A Tonic Structural Docker Compose repository is located here:

To make future updates easier, fork this repository.

The repository readme includes more detail on how to set environment settings. It also provides information on how to determine which containers are required for your deployment. For example, whether you use Docker to deploy the Structural application PostgreSQL database.

When you sign up with Structural, you are provided access credentials to our image repository. If you require new credentials, or you are unable to access the repository, contact to get access to our Docker repository.

On the machine where you plan to deploy Structural, log in to with credentials that Structural provides:

$ docker login


Review the configuration option details in the repository readme.


To deploy and validate access to Structural, follow the instructions in the repository readme.

If you run Structural in a cloud environment, we strongly suggest that you enable SSL, or that you use some other mechanism to protect traffic to the machine. For example, you might make the instance available only over VPN. Your cloud provider should have instructions on how to accomplish this.


Structural notifies you when the current version is more than 10 versions behind the most recent release. The notification is on the System Status tab of Structural Settings view.

At a minimum, to update Structural, run the following:

$ docker compose down
$ docker compose pull && docker compose up -d

To free additional disk space before you complete the update, you can optionally include commands to remove unused images and volumes.

$ docker compose down
$ docker image prune -a
$ docker volume prune -a
$ docker compose pull && docker compose up -d

If you use the Compose standalone, then use the docker-compose syntax instead of docker compose.

Last updated