About permission sets

Tonic Structural uses permissions and permission sets to manage role-based access (RBAC) to Structural features and functions.

A permission grants access to a specific feature or function.

A permission set is a collection of permissions that can be assigned to a user or an SSO group.

Built-in and custom permission sets

Structural provides a set of built-in permission sets that you cannot edit or delete.

The Enterprise license plan also allows you to create custom permission sets.

Global permission sets

Global permission sets control access to features and functions that are outside of the context of a specific workspace. For example, global permission control who can manage users and configure environment settings.

For information on how to assign global permission sets, go to Configuring access to global permission sets and Setting initial access to all global permissions.

You can also select a default global permission set to assign to all new users.

Workspace permission sets

Workspace permission sets provide access to specific workspace management features and functions.

Workspace permission sets are assigned to users and groups within the context of a specific workspace. For example, a user might have the Editor permission set in one workspace and the Viewer permission set in another workspace.

For information on how to assign workspace permission sets, go to Assigning workspace permission sets.

You can also select a default workspace permission set to assign to workspace owners.

Last updated