The Random Timestamp generator generates random dates, times, and timestamps that fall within a specified range.
Link object structure
The Random Timestamp generator does not support linking or consistency. You cannot configure differential privacy.
The metadata object is populated from the TimestampRangeMetadata object, which includes:
For text columns, the format of the timestamp in the original data.
For integer columns, the unit to use for the value. The generator produces a Unix timestamp.
If the timestamp format includes dates, the minimum and maximum timestamps. Uses the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SSZ.
If the timestamp format is time-only, the minimum and maximum timestamps. The date part of the timestamp is ignored. Uses the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SSZ.
"schema": "string",
"table": "string",
"column": "string",
"dataType": "string", //MongoDB only
"metadata": {
"presetId": "string",
"generatorId": "RandomTimestampGenerator",
"dateTimeFormat": "enum", //For text columns
"unixTimestampFormat": "enum" // For integer columns
"minDate": "timestamp", //For formats with dates
"maxDate": "timestamp", //For formats with dates
"minTime": "timestamp" //For time-only formats
"maxTime": "timestamp" //For time-only formats,
"encryptionProcessor": "x-on", //To use configured Structural data encryption
"customValueProcessor": "string" //If custom value processor is applied
Example replacements
In the following example replacement for the Random Timestamp generator, the source column is a text column.
The format for the timestamps in the original data is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
The timestamps occur between November 20, 2022 at 8:57:14 PM and November 21, 2022 at 8:57:14 PM.
The following example uses the same range as the previous example, but the column is an integer column. The generator is configured to produce Unix timestamps in seconds.