Creating and managing custom sensitivity rules
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Required license: Enterprise
Required global permission: Create and manage sensitivity rules
By default, when a Structural security scan runs on a workspace, it looks for the built-in sensitivity types.
You can also define custom sensitivity rules to identify other values and the corresponding recommended generator. Your data might include values that are specific to your organization.
Each custom sensitivity rule specifies:
The data type for matching columns.
Text matching criteria for the names of matching columns.
The recommended generator preset.
To display the current list of sensitivity rules, in the Structural navigation menu, click Sensitivity Rules.
The list contains the sensitivity rules for a self-hosted Structural instance or a Structural Cloud organization.
For each rule, the list includes:
The rule name and description
The recommended generator preset
When the rule was most recently modified
You can filter the rule list by the following:
Rule name
Rule description
Generator preset name
Name of the user who most recently updated the rule
In the filter field, start to type text from any of those values. As you type, the list is filtered to only include matching rules.
Note that when the list is filtered, you cannot change the display sequence of the rules.
Structural applies the rules based on their display order in the list.
If a column matches more than one rule, Structural applies the first matching rule.
To change the display order of a rule, drag and drop it to the new location in the list.
Note that you cannot change the rule sequence when the list is filtered.
To create a sensitivity rule:
On the Sensitivity Rules view, click New Custom Rule.
On the Create Custom Rule view, configure the new rule.
Click Save.
To change the configuration of a sensitivity rule:
On the Sensitivity Rules view, click the edit icon for the rule.
On the Edit Custom Rule view, update the configuration.
Click Save.
Note that any changes to a sensitivity rule do not take effect until the next sensitivity scan.
In the Name field, type the name of the sensitivity rule. The rule name becomes the sensitivity type for matching columns. The rule name must be unique, and also cannot match the name of a built-in sensitivity type.
Optionally, in the Description field, type a longer description of the sensitivity rule.
From the Data Type dropdown list, select the data type for matching columns. For example, a rule might only be used for columns that contain text.
The available data types are general types that map to specific data types in a given database. The available types are:
Continuous Numerical
Date Range
MAC Address
Network Address
Under Column Name Match, provide the criteria to identify matching columns based on the column name.
Note that a matching column must match both the data type and the column name criteria.
When you provide a list of text matching conditions, a matching column must match all of the conditions. In other words, the conditions are joined by AND
To apply the same generator preset to columns that have completely different names, you must create separate sensitivity rules.
To create a list of text matching conditions:
Click Text Match.
To add a column name condition, click Add String Match.
For each condition:
From the comparison type dropdown list, select the type of comparison. For example, Contains, Starts with, Ends with.
In the comparison text field, provide the text to check for.
The comparison text is case insensitive. For example, if you set a condition to match column names that contain the text term
, it also matches column names that contain TERM
or Term
or tErM
To remove a column name condition, click its delete icon.
To use a regular expression to identify matching columns based on the column name:
Click Regular Expression.
In the field, provide the regular expression.
From the Recommended Generator Preset dropdown list, select the generator preset that is the recommended generator for matching columns.
To search for a specific preset, begin to type the generator preset name.
Required global permission: Create and manage generator presets
When you configure a sensitivity rule, you can also create a new generator preset or update the configuration of the selected generator preset.
To create a new generator preset, click Create Preset. On the generator preset details panel, provide the generator preset configuration, then click Create.
To edit the selected generator preset, click Edit Current Preset. On the generator preset details panel, update the generator preset configuration, then click Save and Apply.
If you have access to a workspace, then you can use the workspace to preview the sensitivity rule results.
Under Test Results, from the workspace dropdown list, select the workspace to use.
Structural searches the workspace schema for matching columns based on the sensitivity rule configuration.
It displays any matching columns. You can filter the matching columns based on the table or column name.
For each matching column, the list includes:
The column name and table
A sample value from the source data. To see the sample source value, you must have the Preview source data permission for the workspace.
A sample replacement value, based on the selected generator preset for the sensitivity rule. To see the sample replacement value, you must have the Preview destination data permission for the workspace.
To delete a sensitivity rule, on the Sensitivity Rules view, click the delete icon for the rule.
Note that existing generator recommendations for the rule remain in place until the next sensitivity scan.
For more information about generator preset configuration, go to .