Entering and updating your license key

When you start your Tonic Structural instance for the first time, you must provide your license key in order to activate Structural.

You also update the license key when it expires or when you upgrade to a new license tier.

Activating a new Structural instance

On a new instance of Structural, to provide the Structural license key and activate Structural:

  1. On the Welcome to Tonic panel, click Get Started.

  2. On the Input License Key panel, in the License Key text area, paste your license key.

  3. Click Activate.

Structural verifies the license key. If the license key is valid, the Structural login screen is displayed.

Updating a license key

Required global permission: Update the Tonic license key

When your license key expires, Structural displays a banner across the top of the application. The banner contains a message to indicate that the license is expired.

The expired license banner contains an Update Tonic License button.

The Update Tonic License button also displays on the System Status tab of Tonic Settings view. You can use this option to update an expired license key or to provide a new key when you upgrade to a higher license plan.

You obtain your updated license key from Tonic.ai. To update the license key:

  1. Click Update Tonic License.

  2. On the Update License Key panel, in the License Key text area, paste the new license key.

  3. Click Update.

Structural verifies the license key. If the license is valid, the license key is updated, and the expired license banner is removed.

Using the TONIC_LICENSE environment setting (if no users have permission to update the license)

The Tonic Settings option to update the license key is only available to users who have the Update the Tonic license key global permission. All self-hosted instances should have at least one user with this permission.

If your instance does not have a user with the Update the Tonic license key global permission, then you can set the Structural license key as the value of the TONIC_LICENSE environment setting.

If your instance has a user with the Update the Tonic license key global permission, then Structural ignores the TONIC_LICENSE environment setting. You must use the Tonic Settings option to update the license.

Last updated