Structure of a generator preset

The PresetSummary object is used in requests and responses to provide details about a generator preset.

High-level structure overview

At a very high level, the general structure of a generator preset is:

Each generator preset object contains:

  • Identifying information for the generator preset

  • Information about who most recently modified the generator preset

  • The generator configuration for the generator preset

  • When the generator preset was created and most recently modified

Identifying information for the generator preset

id is the generator preset identifier. When you create a generator preset, Tonic Structural provides the identifier for it in the response. You use the identifier to select a generator preset to update, delete, or assign to a column.

name is the name that you assign to the generator preset, and description allows you to provide additional information about the generator preset.

generatorId identifies the type of generator for the generator preset.

isBuiltIn indicates whether this is a built-in generator preset, and is only included in responses. For a built-in generator preset, id and generatorId are the same value. You can update a built-in preset, but you cannot delete a built-in generator preset.

Information about who most recently modified the generator preset

lastModifiedByUser identifies who most recently modified the generator preset configuration.

The user information includes the user's identifier, first name, last name, and email address.

Generator configuration

The metadata object contains the generator configuration for the generator preset.

For details about the metadata for each generator, go to the Generator API reference.

Generator presets do not include the following configuration options:

  • Linking

  • Consistency with another column

  • Partitioning

  • Custom value processors

You always set those configuration options in the column configuration.

Creation and update dates

createdDate and lastModifiedDate indicate when the generator preset was created and when it was most recently updated.

Last updated