Structural differences and limitations with the file connector

Required license: Professional or Enterprise

No workspace inheritance

File connector workspaces do not support workspace inheritance.

Table mode limitations

In a file connector workspace, you can only use the following table modes:

  • De-Identify

  • Truncate

When a file group is assigned Truncate mode, Tonic Structural ignores that file group during data generation.

Generator limitations

The Conditional generator can only be used in a file group that contains CSV files.

Otherwise, the available generators are based on the assigned data type:

  • For CSV data, each column is assigned the text data type

  • For JSON, the table contains a single column that is assigned the json data type

  • For XML and HTML, the table contains a single column that is assigned the xml data type

No subsetting

File connector workspaces do not support subsetting.

No upsert

File connector workspaces do not support upsert.

No output to container artifacts

For file connector workspaces, you cannot write the destination data to container artifacts.

No output to an Ephemeral snapshot

For file connector workspaces, you cannot write the destination data to an Ephemeral snapshot.

No post-job scripts

For file connector workspaces, there is no option to run post-job scripts after a job.

You can create webhooks that are triggered by data generation jobs.

Last updated