Structural differences and limitations with Salesforce

Required license: Professional or Enterprise

Table mode limitations

You can only assign the De-Identify or Truncate table modes.

Generator limitations

Salesforce does not support any of the primary key generators. These are:

  • Alphanumeric String Key

  • ASCII Key

  • Integer Key

  • Numeric String Key

  • UUID Key

Subsetting limitations

When you configure subsetting for a Salesforce workspace, you cannot filter optional records.

No upsert

Salesforce workspaces do not support upsert.

No post-job scripts

For Salesforce workspaces, there is no option to run post-job scripts after a job.

You can create webhooks that are triggered by data generation jobs.

No output to a container repository

For Salesforce workspaces, you cannot write the destination data to a container repository.

No output to an Ephemeral snapshot

For Salesforce workspaces, you cannot write the destination data to an Ephemeral snapshot.

Last updated

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