International Address (InternationalAddressGenerator)

The International Address generator can generator the following international address values:

  • Canadian street name

  • Canadian postal code

  • United Kingdom (UK) postal code

The International Address generator can be self-consistent. You cannot configure differential privacy. It cannot be linked to other columns.

The metadata object is populated from InternationalAddressMetadata.

For the International Address generator, you specify the country and the type of address value that is in the source column.

  "presetId": "string",
  "generatorId": "InternationalAddressGenerator",
  "schema": "string",
  "table": "string",
  "column": "string",
  "dataType": "string",  //MongoDB only
  "metadata": {
    "internationalAddressCountry": "Canada",
    "internationalAddressComponent": "enum",
    "addressComponentFallback": "string",
    "isConsistent": boolean
  "encryptionProcessor": "x-on", //To use configured Tonic data encryption
  "customValueProcessor": "string" //If custom value processor applied

Example replacement

The following example replacement shows a column that is assigned the built-in generator preset for the International Address generator. The column contains a Canadian postal code. The fallback value is K1A.

The column has consistency disabled.

  "name": "postalCode",
  "schema": "public",
  "table": "locations",
  "links": [
      "generatorId": "InternationalAddressGenerator",
      "column": "postalCode",
      "table": "locations",
      "schema": "public",
      "metadata": {
        "internationalAddressComponent": "CanadaPostalCodeLDU",
        "addressComponentFallback": "K1A",
        "isConsistent": false

Last updated