Reviewing and applying recommended generators

Required workspace permission: Configure column generators

The Tonic Structural sensitivity scan identifies specific types of sensitive data. For each sensitivity type that it detects, Structural can have a recommended generator. For example, for a value that the sensitivity scan identifies as a Social Security Number, Structural recommends the SSN generator. For a first name, Structural recommends the Name generator configured with First as the value type.

From Privacy Hub and Database View, you can review and apply the recommended generators.

Applying the recommended generator to a single column

Privacy Hub

In Privacy Hub, on the settings view of the column details panel, for a detected sensitive column that does not have an applied generator, and that has a recommended generator, Structural displays a button for the recommended generator.

To apply the recommended generator, click the button.

Database View

On Database View, for a detected sensitive column that does not have an applied generator, the generator name tag displays the type of sensitive data, such as a first name or an email address.

To apply the recommended generator:

  1. Click the generator name tag.

  2. On the recommended generator panel, click Apply recommendation.

Privacy Hub - reviewing and applying recommended generators by sensitivity type

When there are detected sensitive columns that are not protected, Privacy Hub displays a Sensitivity Recommendations banner. The banner displays the number of detected, unprotected columns.

To review the recommended generators, and determine whether to apply them, click Review Recommendations.

The Recommended Generators by Sensitivity Type panel displays the list of sensitivity types for which there are detected, unprotected columns.

Displaying the list of columns for a sensitivity type

To display the columns for a sensitivity type, click the expand icon for that type.

To hide the column list, click the collapse icon.

For each column, the list includes the following information:

  • The table and schema name

  • The column name, with the column data type

  • An example value from the source data (Original Data), with a corresponding destination value when the recommended generator is applied (Expected Output).

To display a larger sample of source and destination values, click the view icon in the Expected Output column.

Viewing linkable columns for addresses

Address columns that can be linked are displayed in groups.

For example, if a table includes columns for both city and state values, then those columns are displayed as a group. When you apply the recommended generators to the group, the columns are also linked.

There are separate Address entries for individual columns and for groups of columns to link.

Filtering the column lists

To filter the lists, you can use either:

  • Schema name

  • Table name

  • Column name

Start to type text in the schema, table, or column name. As you type, Structural applies the filter to all of the lists.

Selecting and deselecting columns

When you first display the panel, all of the columns are selected. The columns that are affected when you apply recommended generators or ignore columns.

Within each sensitivity type, you can select or deselect individual columns.

You can use the checkbox in the column heading to select or deselect all of the columns for a sensitivity type.

Enabling and disabling consistency for columns

Before you apply a recommended generator, you can enable or disable consistency for each individual column, or for all of the columns for a sensitivity type.

You can only enable self-consistency. You cannot configure consistency with other columns.

The recommended generators panel contains a Consistency toggle for each column. You use the toggle in the column heading to enable or disable consistency for all of the columns for a sensitivity type. If the recommended generator does not support consistency, then the toggle is disabled.

To enable self-consistency, toggle Consistency to the on position. To disable self-consistency, toggle Consistency to the off position.

Applying the recommended generator for a sensitivity type

To apply the recommended generator to the selected columns for a sensitivity type, click the Apply option for that sensitivity type.

When you apply the recommended generator, Structural removes the column from the list.

Removing the generator recommendation for a sensitivity type

If the recommended generator is incorrect, then you can ignore the recommendation.

To ignore the recommended generator for the selected columns in a sensitivity type:

  1. Click the Ignore option for the sensitivity type.

  2. In the Ignore dropdown list, click Ignore generator recommendation.

When you ignore the generator recommendation:

  • The column is removed from the list.

  • The recommended generator is removed. This includes the recommendation on the Privacy Hub column configuration panel.

  • The column continues to be marked as sensitive.

Marking a column as not sensitive

Required workspace permission: Configure column sensitivity

You can mark selected columns for a sensitivity type as not sensitive. For example, a value might be correctly identified as a first name, but be a test value that is not actually sensitive and does not need to be transformed.

To mark selected columns in a sensitivity type as not sensitive:

  1. Click the Ignore option for the sensitivity type.

  2. In the Ignore dropdown list, click Mark as not sensitive.

When you mark a column as not sensitive, it is removed from the list.

Applying the recommended generator to all of the selected columns.

To apply the recommended generators to all of the selected columns across all of the sensitivity types, click Apply All.

On Database View, the Bulk Edit option includes an option to apply the recommended generators to the selected columns for which there is an available recommendation.

From Database View, to apply recommended generators to multiple columns:

  1. Check the checkbox for each column to update.

  2. Click Bulk Edit.

  3. On the bulk editing panel, click Apply Recommendations.

Last updated